Bask In The Benefits

Break free of the website management burden.

Indulge in a truly joyful experience and relax in a delightful interface that does all the heavy lifting for you. Inject your site with super powers just by signing up.

The Future (Blue Axis)

Built For Speed!

No plugins needed!

Get An Account!

The Past (Everyone Else)

Caching PluginNeeded

Security PluginNeeded

Image Minification PluginNeeded

JS Minification PluginNeeded

CSS Minification PluginNeeded

CSS Optimization PluginNeeded

Site Backup PluginNeeded

Site Restore PluginNeeded

Database Backup PluginNeeded

Move Your Site!

Break free of the status quo, upgrade to the future, and bask in the light of new possibility. Your future looks clean and simple.

Blue Axis Hosting has removed the pain from server hosting, and created a future that's easy to use. We understand that most people are not coding nerds, and have no desire to dig into the complexities behind what makes things run. Most of us want an interface that gives us all the power of a server guru, but without any of the messiness and up-front training.

Welcome to WordPress™ through Blue Axis Hosting™. The clean and fresh solution that gives you everything you could hope for with none of the pain.

With all of the plugins you're able to discard, your site will perform even faster and you'll have fewer WordPress plugin conflicts. All of the speed features you'd normally want from a plugin have been integrated into your Blue Axis Hosting™ server environment.

Built-in doesn't mean locked-down. Access all your server's features through your administrative interface and take full control of your website's future.